The journal publishes essays, documents and commissioned book reviews. All submitted articles are initially screened by the editors. If judged pertinent to the journal, then they are submitted to a process of double-blind review. It is our aim to publish the best scholarship and criticism on Fernando Pessoa, regardless of theoretical methodological or ideological perspective.
Portuguese and Brazilian Studies
Pessoa Plural—A Journal of Fernando Pessoa Studies
Current Issue: No. 26
Read over 500 new pages of articles, documents, and book reviews included the latest issue of Pessoa Plural.
Current and all back issues of the journal are available for reading and download in the Brown Digital Repository (BDR).
Pessoa Plural was established in 2012 as an international peer-reviewed scholarly journal dedicated to studies of Fernando Pessoa.
Pessoa Plural foi fundada em 2012 como uma revista académica internacional com revisão por pares dedicada aos estudos de Fernando Pessoa.
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