Portuguese and Brazilian Studies

Gávea-Brown: A Bilingual Journal | Revista Bilingue

The mission of the Gávea-Brown: A Bilingual Journal of Portuguese-North American Letters and Studies (ISSN: 2641-0400) is to publish works relating to the Portuguese experience in North America. The scope is broad, including editorially reviewed academic articles, documents, interviews, translations, book reviews and creative works (both literary and visual).

The journal is published annually by the Department of Portuguese and Brazilian Studies at Brown University, and made possible with support from the Luso-American Development Foundation (FLAD).

The journal was founded in 1980 as part of Gávea-Brown Publications, a publishing house dedicated to making Portuguese literature and culture better known in the English-speaking world. In 2018, the Gávea-Brown journal, until then published in print, shifted to online publication in order to expand access to Portuguese-North American literature and studies.

You can access current and past issues of the journal for free in the Brown Digital Repository.

Past Issues


If you are interested in submitting to Gávea-Brown, please read our submission guidelines. We also encourage you to familiarize yourself with the journal by reading past issues.

Manuscripts on Portuguese-North American letters and/or studies are welcome, as well as original creative writing. All work submitted for publication should adhere to APA guidelines and the style guide found on our website. Please send submissions as a Microsoft Word document to onesimo_almeida@brown.edu.

Deadlines for submission: February 1st (for the Spring issue) and August 1st (for the Fall issue)

Director and Editors


  • Onésimo Teotónio Almeida, Brown University
  • Francisco Cota Fagundes, University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Managing Editor

  • Marie Culpepper, Brown University

Assistants to the Editors

  • Leonor Simas-Almeida, Brown University

Editors Emeriti

  • George Monteiro †
  • Alice R. Clemente

Advisory Board

  • Teresa Alves, University of Lisbon
  • Irene Maria F. Blayer, Brock University
  • Diniz Borges, California State University, Fresno
  • Teresa Cid, University of Lisbon
  • André Corrêa de Sá, University of California Santa Barbara
  • Manuel da Costa Fontes, Kent State University
  • Ana Paula Coutinho, University of Porto
  • Maria João Dodman, York University, Toronto
  • Vamberto Freitas, University of the Azores
  • Frank Gaspar, Long Beach City College
  • Manuela Marujo, University of Toronto
  • Leonor Simas-Almeida, Brown University
  • Carlos Teixeira, University of British Columbia Okanagan
  • Ricardo Vasconcelos, San Diego State University