Portuguese and Brazilian Studies

Study Abroad

Study either in Brazil or in Portugal (usually in the junior year or during the summer) is strongly encouraged as an important part of the concentration. Up to four credits from participation in foreign-study programs can be applied towards the concentration in Portuguese and Brazilian Studies.

Study in Portugal

Although Brown University has not yet established a program in Portugal, it is possible for students to spend an academic semester or the full academic year at some Portuguese universities, including the University of Lisbon/Universidade de Lisboa.

Receiving Credit

Since Brown University credit is not automatically granted for study in Portugal, students must petition the Committee on Academic Standing for permission to participate in this program and secure preliminary approval of courses prior to departure. Upon return, students must make a formal request to the Concentration Advisor to have transfer credit applied to the concentration. In planning for participation in this program, students should keep in mind that no more than the equivalent of four Brown course credits can be used to fulfill the requirements of the concentration in Portuguese and Brazilian Studies. It is mandatory that students who participate in this program remain in close contact with a Brown faculty member throughout the academic semester/year.

For more information about spending a semester or an academic year in Portugal, please contact pobs@brown.edu.

Students interested in spending a summer in Portugal at a Portuguese university should contact Professor Onésimo T. Almeida, who can meet with them to find a program that corresponds with their specific academic interests. In the past, students have attended the Summer Program at the University of Lisbon and University of the Azores, among many others. Students who complete a summer study program in Portugal may be granted one unassigned credit in Portuguese. Small grants from the Instituto Camões and FLAD are generally available for participation.

Study in Brazil

Brown currently does not sponsor a summer program in Brazil. Students interested in spending a summer studying in Brazil should consider PUC-Rio's "Pre-Term Portuguese-as-a-Second-Language Course," which is run separately from the Brown-in-Brazil Program. Alternatively, they may consider summer programs sponsored by other universities, such as the University of Florida.

For more information about summer programs in Brazil, please contact Professor Luiz F. Valente.